Is your social calendar starting to fill up with after work drinks, Christmas parties, School functions? Here are my top 5 tips to getting through the pre Christmas madness relatively unscathed.


Plan your week

One function a week is not going to cause too much damage to your health and waist line but 3-4 per week will, so my advice is plan the week ahead and pick the one function that you want to let your hair down at and eat and drink whatever you like. But, for the others… take it easy. Make good choices with your food and go easy on the alcohol.


Don’t ever go to the shops or a function hungry!

When you have little choice over the foods you are eating at a dinner or party then the worst thing you can be is starving. Eat a healthy meal or snack before you go so that you can pick and choose what you want to eat and make good choices.


Stay hydrated

Drink 500 – 1000ml water at home before you go out so that you are hydrated before you start drinking alcohol. From then on drink a glass of water or mineral water between every alcoholic drink. Encourage a few friends to do the same so that you can keep each other on track as the night unfolds.


Move your Body

Having a busy social life can cut into your exercise routine so instead of stopping your workouts just modify your training so that you are doing higher intensity workouts for a shorter amounts of time. For example – If you normally walk for an hour before work then reduce the time and jog/walk or do hills/stairs for 30 min. The increased intensity will burn more calories and speed up your metabolism.


It’s ok to say No.

Just because you have been invited doesn’t mean you have to go. Take some time out for yourself and your family to relax and enjoy time together. You can’t do everything or please everyone.

About the Author
Kelley Bright

Kelley Bright is a highly credentialed health and fitness expert who holds a Masters degree in Nutrition/Dietetics, Bachelors degree in Exercise Science and a Diploma of Naturopathy.

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